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- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 93 04:12:47 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
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- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1453
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Sun, 12 Dec 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1453
- Today's Topics:
- 10-Codes (with 36/37 fixed)
- ARRL's callsign admin position (3 msgs)
- HDN Releases
- Scratchi
- Scratchi, January, 1960 (2 msgs)
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 11 Dec 93 11:23:05 GMT
- From: noc.near.net!news.delphi.com!BIX.com!arog@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: 10-Codes (with 36/37 fixed)
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In the post re: 10 Codes, 10-10 was given as "flight in progress."
- 10-10 is more commonly "out of service, subject to call" here on
- the left.coast.
- ------------------------------
- Alan Ogden, w6spk
- arog@BIX.com moderator of ham.radio
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 10 Dec 93 18:42:01 GMT
- From: mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10!jmaynard@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: ARRL's callsign admin position
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <DTD8Dc3w165w@mystis.wariat.org>,
- Dan Pickersgill N8PKV <dan@mystis.wariat.org> wrote:
- >For the purposes of some recient proposals, I believe, W5YI represented
- >itself as an organization (quoting a membership of all it's
- >subscribers). And W5YI is a VEC, does he do all the work himself?
- God, that's a stretch. What does he do for his subscribers besides send him a
- newsletter every N weeks? As for the VEC, he formed a non-profit corporation
- for that specific purpose.
- >But, maybe you are right, we need a second national ham group. Anyone
- >wanna help me start one?
- Not me; I'd rather fix the one we have.
- >I said "totally".
- And I meant what I said: the FCC was going to take some spectrum away from us,
- facts be damned. If that isn't totally adversarial, I don't know what is.
- >Private interests had SOMETHING to do with it.
- They didn't start it, though...the FCC did, internally.
- >Jay, I honestly hope that our relationship with the FCC is not as bad as
- >you say (in fact I know it is not from the dealings our area hams have
- >with the FCC). If it were, Amateur Radio would be lost.
- The difference there is that the local FCC types are generally sympathetic to
- ham radio...but it's not them that makes policy: it's the ones in Washington,
- and it's _those_ folks who have decided that ham radio isn't worth screwing
- with. They are the ones to whom we need to present a united front.
- >I can agree to some of what you said. United front and all. But before
- >the ARRL desides what _all_ amateurs want, maybe they could come out of
- >the board room and ask a few of us?
- Have you told your director what you think lately?
- --
- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
- jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu | adequately be explained by stupidity.
- "The road to Usenet is littered with dead horses." -- Jack Hamilton
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 09 Dec 93 16:34:48 EST
- From: pravda.sdsc.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!wariat.org!mystis!dan@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: ARRL's callsign admin position
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- jmaynard@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Jay Maynard) writes:
- > To put it bluntly, I'll misquote LBJ: Would you rather be on the inside of th
- > tent pissing out, or on the outside pissing in?
- I would rather be up-hill pissing down-hill...
- --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Dan Pickersgill N8PKV | 'Pots have handles, Magazines have |
- | dan@mystis.wariat.org | Personals, Hams have Names' |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Crime in America is a thing of the PAST!!! |
- | The Brady Bill is Law. |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 00:37:53 GMT
- From: mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10!jmaynard@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: ARRL's callsign admin position
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <L445Dc2w165w@mystis.wariat.org>,
- Dan Pickersgill N8PKV <dan@mystis.wariat.org> wrote:
- >The do NOT represent "_all_" hams.
- If they don't, who does? I guarandamntee you that _someone_ must, or else we
- are sunk.
- > They do not pepresent me at this time
- >and there are MANY hams that I know who are not memebers of the ARRL.
- >Although, as I have previously stated, I feel that the ARRL is doing a
- >pretty good job of late, I tend to agree with Greg in that the ARRL
- >seems to feel that they are the 'one true voice of all amateur radio'.
- >They are NOT. They may represent a good portion, maybe a majority, but
- >in NO way do they represent ALL Amateurs!
- Someone does. That someone is the ARRL, by default if nothing else.
- >As I said, I have been impressed of late and am considering sending the
- >ARRL a dues check. However there are may organizations that represent a
- >good number of amateurs (W5YI as an example).
- Hate to tell you this, guy, but Fred Maia, W5YI, is not an organization - he's
- a newsletter publisher.
- The only groups I'm aware of that even try to be a national voice are QCWA -
- which, by definition, only represents those who were hams at least 25 years
- ago (and therefore neither me nor you) - and Don Stoner's NARA, which is
- explicitly aimed at the new ham.
- > Now, the other
- >organizations have not been around as long as the ARRL and are just
- >getting started. However they are growing. The age of the ARRL being the
- >exclusive national ham organization is long past.
- There is _NO_ other national ham organization designed for all.
- >If my congressman called the FCC it would make an impact. And believe
- >you, me, MY congressman is willing to listen to those of us who sent
- >him to DC.
- ...but is your congressman aware of how hams around the country feel about
- issues, and the national importance of ham radio? There's a fundamental
- difference between Dan pickersgill, constituent, and ham radio. We need both.
- >W5YI and all the other groups that have proposed to take over the
- >'vanity licensing' proposal.
- The League had valid points, even if the overall presentation let something to
- be desired. (Yes, I have let my director know what I thought of that.) Again,
- _none_ of those groups are for all hams; they're for some subset of hams.
- > Wayne Green bashing is a usefull as ARRL
- >bashing (less in fact, Wayne Green isn't claiming to be the 'one true
- >voice of amateurs').
- ...not to mention that Wayne Green is much more of a buffoon than anyone with
- the League ever thought of being.
- >Since when has our (amateur community) relationship with the FCC become
- >totally adversarial?
- 220 MHz.
- If you don't understand that, you have completely missed the essential
- bureaucratic mindset. That grab was the result of a bureaucracy run amok, and
- bureaucracies don't forget.
- >As I have said, the ARRL is improving. (Can we get rid of incentive
- >licensing now guys? Like the social programs of the 60's, it isn't in
- >the national interest.) (There I said it, look out now!)
- I'd flame that one, but it's been hashed over quite a bit as it is; short form
- answer is that while we're implementing the welfare state in ham licensing, we
- might as well do away with that too. (That was sarcasm.)
- >No. Just honest and truly representive of its members.
- Again, you totally fail to understand the bureaucratic mindset. Any group that
- comes across as fragmented to a bureaucrat will get completely ignored.
- --
- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
- jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu | adequately be explained by stupidity.
- "The road to Usenet is littered with dead horses." -- Jack Hamilton
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1993 21:45:05
- From: @uunet.uu.net@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: HDN Releases
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- The following files were processed Thursday 12-09-93:
- HAMDEMO [ HAM: Amateur Radio Demo Progs ]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- COIL112.EXE ( 33660 bytes) Single layer Air-core inductor
- calculator V1.12 by K6STI
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 33660 bytes in 1 file(s)
- HAMLOG [ HAM: Amateur radio logging programs ]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- HLOG222E.EXE ( 350353 bytes) HyperLog V2.22e Logging Program
- WRITEL.ZIP ( 837466 bytes) Windows Logging Program - updated
- drivers
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1187819 bytes in 2 file(s)
- HAMNEWS [ HAM: Bulletins and Newsletters ]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CONDO007.LZH ( 3769 bytes) Condo Newsletter #7
- OPDX138.LZH ( 3220 bytes) Ohio-Pa Packet Cluster DX Bulletin
- 12/06/93
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6989 bytes in 2 file(s)
- HAMPACK [ HAM: Packet Communications programs ]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- EZPKT_17.ZIP ( 63351 bytes) EZ Packet V1.17 term program for
- PMP modems by N9MXI
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 63351 bytes in 1 file(s)
- HAMSAT [ HAM: Satellite tracking and finding programs ]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- AMSAT338.LZH ( 2745 bytes) AMSAT Bulletin # 338 12/04/93
- ARLK051.LZH ( 2014 bytes) ARRL Keps 12/04/93
- OBS337.LZH ( 5510 bytes) Amsat Orbital Elements # 337
- 12/03/93
- SPC1206.LZH ( 3232 bytes) SPACE Bulletin 12/06/93
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 13501 bytes in 4 file(s)
- HAMUTIL [ HAM: Radio operating aids ]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- TIMEZ.ZIP ( 86682 bytes) Track World Time by Steve Mount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 86682 bytes in 1 file(s)
- Total of 1392002 bytes in 11 file(s)
- Files are available via Anonymous-FTP from ftp.fidonet.org
- IP NET address
- Directories are:
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- Files may be downloaded via land-line at (214) 226-1181 or (214) 226-1182.
- 1.2 to 16.8K, 23 hours a day .
- When ask for Full Name, enter: Guest;guest <return>
- lee - wa5eha
- Ham Distribution Net
- * Origin: Ham Distribution Net Coordinator / Node 1 (1:124/7009)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 10:45:37 -0800
- From: Tony Zugec <tonyz@hpwrce.mayfield.hp.com>
- Subject: Scratchi
- To: greg@netcom.com
- Greg, thankyou for so eloquently saying what
- I wanted to say, but am too mad. I am afraid that
- in my rage, I will only embarrass myself.
- I can't understand why some people can just
- pass this type of racism off as "just in fun".
- It wasn't fun when I was a kid, having other
- kids ridicule me as being half asian, slanting
- their eyes, speaking in 'scratchi' and making
- fun of my mother. It really hurt, I guess they
- will never understand. So, I appreciate
- the intelligent manner in which you present
- your argument. I hope some of them get a
- clue, but I doubt it.
- Tony WB6TRU
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 00:39:50 GMT
- From: mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10!jmaynard@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Scratchi, January, 1960
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Political correctness rears its ugly head. That article was from 1960,
- ferchrissakes! Anyone who gets offended by that article, much less thinks it
- reflects current ham thinking, has too high an offensensitivity quotient.
- --
- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
- jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu | adequately be explained by stupidity.
- "The road to Usenet is littered with dead horses." -- Jack Hamilton
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 93 11:45:36
- From: elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!emory!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!nigel.msen.com!ilium!rcsuna.gmr.com!rcsuna.gmr.com!vbreault@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Scratchi, January, 1960
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Hmmm....
- There I go again....
- Opening my mouth when I should have just sat by and waited a piece.
- Thanks to the many people that took the time to drop me a note
- explaining the origin of the Scratchi character. I now understand
- that he was a stereotypical Japanese man and I understand how some
- people may feel embarrassed of threatened by reposting old Scratchi
- articles.
- I also understand that many people keep their feelings much closer
- to the surface than I do. I can't imagine how painful it must be
- to live that way. Like ill fitting underwear, the trials of living
- in our society must chafe the sensibilities of those individuals.
- Perhaps that's why some of those folks seem to be so crabby.
- Under similar circumstances I guess I would be too.
- I don't have an answer to the PC issue. On the one hand I try
- to be kind to everyone I meet, never wishing to hurt anyones feelings.
- On the other hand realizing that the various ethnic groups'
- characteristics have made this melting pot the nation it is.
- I fear that one day it will be illegal (we will not have the freedom)
- to discriminate at all. We will not be permitted to refer to anyones
- heritage in any way for fear of violating their sensibilities.
- Words like German, Italian, Chinese will be stricken from our vocabulary.
- Before that day comes though I'll continue to remember and continue
- to profit by the characteristics of the numerous ethnic groups that
- live in the greater Detroit area.
- For example: The fine Polish folks that live in and around Hamtramc,
- Michigan. Theirs is a legacy of industrious men who worked hard
- and played hard and their wives who care for their homes with so much
- vigor that (even to this day) they sweep the street in front of
- their home. They raised children who were quire aware of the
- tradition of a fair days work for a fair days pay.
- Yes, I've heard and even told some of those infamous Polish jokes.
- I guess I'm a bigot.
- Both for telling the occasional joke (not representative of all
- Polish people) and for the stereotypical view of Polish industry
- (again, not entirely representative).
- ObRadio:
- I think I'll try the center fed wire this weekend and see how it works
- out. It sounds easy enough. Just connect the shield and the center
- conductor to the hot terminal on my tuner and hope my ground system
- will provide a suitable counterpoise. Can you say "RF in the shack?"
- --
- Val Breault - N8OEF - vbreault@gmr.com \ /|
- Instrumentation dept GM NAO R&D Center \ / |
- My opinions are not necessarily those of \ /__|
- GMR nor of the General Motors Corporation \/ |___
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 22:09:30 GMT
- From: xn.ll.mit.edu!ll.mit.edu!wjc@uunet.uu.net
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <1993Dec7.234425.4647@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, <1993Dec8.184205.20082@ll.mit.edu>, <1993Dec9.162128.12183@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>
- Subject : Re: hypochondriac scared of cancer!
- In article <1993Dec9.162128.12183@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us (Gary Coffman) writes:
- |>
- |> ...whole bunches of stuff deleted...
- |>
- |> Note I didn't make the assumption that the antenna was isotropic.
- |> I assumed it to be a dipole oriented perpendicular to the line of
- |> sight to the window. A purpose of an antenna is to act as an impedance
- |> matching device between the transmission line impedance and that of free
- |> space. Since we know that the maximum voltage will appear across points
- |> separated by 1/2 wave, and if we assume the antenna is perfect, then using
- |> E=sqrt(Po*Rfree) should give us the voltage across a 1/2 wave of free
- |> space in the plane perpendicular to our line of sight to the window,
- |> *at the antenna*. I just realized I'm basically ignoring the fall off of
- |> field strength in the first 1.44 meters. That's where the difference lies,
- |> I can't do that. The number I got is the field strength at the dipole
- |> *tips*. Double aaarrrgh!
- |>
- |> > Radiated Power = 3,000 watts
- |> >
- |> > Surface Area of
- |> > 100-foot-radius
- |> > sphere centered
- |> > on antenna = 125,664 ft^2
- |> > = 11,675 m^2
- |> >
- |> > Power Flux = Power / Area = 0.2570 W/m^2
- |> > = 2.570 mW/cm^2
- |>
- |> 0.0257 mW/cm^2, you slipped the decimal too. :-)
- |>
- |> > Electric Field Strength = sqrt(Power Flux * Free-Space Impdnc)
- |> > = sqrt(0.2570 W/m^2 * 377 ohms)
- |> > = 9.84 V/m rms
- |> >
- |> > Note also that to convert from W/m^2 to mW/cm^2 you need to multiply
- |> >by 10.
- |>
- |> Divide by 10. I don't see anything wrong with your approach, aside from
- |> the slipped decimals. Our answers differ by about an order of magnitude.
- |> That's because I screwed up assuming the field at the dipole was the
- |> same as the field a bit over 1/2 wave away. It isn't. Just for grins,
- |> let's do it another way and see how the answer falls out. Let's assume
- |> the isotropic radiator to attempt to get the same answer. So 1 meter from
- |> the radiator we have a sphere of 4*pi*R^2 or 12.57 square meters surface
- |> area. That gives a power density of 3000/12.57 or 238.66 W/m^2 for a field
- |> strength of sqrt(238.66*377) or 299.96 V/m. Now divde by 30.46 to get the
- |> field strength at the window of 9.85 V/m. And that gives a power density at
- |> the window of 0.257 W/m^2. Dividing by 10 we get 0.0257 mW/cm^2.
- |>
- |> Ah, convergence. We're singing from the same songbook now.
- |>
- |> Now isotropic radiators aren't real. If we assume a cylindrical pattern
- |> from a dipole perpendicular to our window with no end effects, (simplifying
- |> again), our field strength 1 meter from the antenna becomes 353.56 V/m. And
- |> that puts the field strength at the window at 11.61 V/m. the power density
- |> becomes 0.0358 mW/cm^2 which is almost the same as the number I stumbled
- |> into in my original post thanks to errors of assumption and slipped decimals.
- Yes, I did blatantly blow the fact that Gary specified a half-wave
- dipole rather than an isotropic radiator.
- In copying numbers from my calculator to my workstation, I dropped
- the exponent in the power density at 100 feet expressed in mW/cm^2,
- which led to my final statement about the W/m^2 to mW/cm^2 conversion
- factor being wrong. Just as I posted the message, I got a bad feeling
- about the order of magnitude --- hence my immediate followup to my
- first post (I trust that made it out).
- Anyway, we now agree about the flux and field strength at 100 feet
- from an isotropic radiator. In the case of the half-wave dipole, we
- nearly agree.
- We say the flux and field strength from the isotropic radiator are:
- 0.02570 mW/cm^2 and 9.84 V/m.
- The gain of a half-wave dipole relative to the isotropic radiator is
- 2.14 dB (I'm presenting this as a given --- I'll listen to
- counterarguments). This represents a power ratio of:
- 10^(2.14 / 10) = 1.6368
- and a voltage ratio of:
- 10^(2.14 / 20) = 1.2794.
- Thus, the flux and field strength from the dipole (at 100 feet) are:
- 0.02570 mW/cm^2 * 1.6368 = 0.04207 mW/cm^2
- and
- 9.84 V/m * 1.2794 = 12.59 V/m
- Now we differ by only 0.7dB! Certainly the difference is in the
- right direction, given that you assumed the flux from the dipole is
- evenly distributed over a cylindrical surface surrounding the dipole.
- It is interesting that the resulting error in field strength is only
- 8 percent. A single half-wave dipole just isn't very directive, eh?
- 73
- Bill Chiarchiaro N1CPK
- wjc@ll.mit.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 19:47:44 GMT
- From: pravda.sdsc.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!sgiblab!news.kpc.com!amd!netcomsv!netcom.com!greg@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <gregCHooL3.Jt7@netcom.com>, <1993Dec8.192104.23873@TorreyPinesCA.ncr.com>, <2e5k37$7v0@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>md
- Subject : Re: Scratchi, January, 1960
- I received the following correspondence from a reader, and he has agreed
- to let me post it. It says more than I ever could. To the naysayers,
- and pc-baiters: if this doesn't make you understand, I'm afraid that
- nothing will. Now, Tony:
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 93 10:40:34 GMT
- From: nntp.ucsb.edu!library.ucla.edu!agate!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!eff!news.kei.com!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!noc.near.net!news.delphi.com!BIX.com!arog@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <1993Dec7.234425.4647@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, <1993Dec8.184205.20082@ll.mit.edu>, <1993Dec8.185300.20583@ll.mit.edu>
- Subject : Re: hypochondriac scared of cancer!
- All said and done, there is one simple observation [and I'm
- not sorry for bringing the 'real.world' into this.]
- Where are all of the dead broadcast transmitter engineers?
- Most of the cancer deaths are, in my estimation, related
- to those of us that have been around that end of things
- for a long while having been elbow deep into chemicals
- that are now known to be real nasty, not from the RF.
- There are far too many folks that have all but lived
- on Mount Wilson where all of the Los Angeles TV stations
- and a major number of the FM stations in this market
- live... that are in fine shape for all of what they've
- been exposed to.
- But then, the folks that I know as well as myself are of
- the school that tells station managers that they need
- a new engineer when the told us that we couldn't turn
- things off when there was work that needed to be done
- up next to the antenna.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1993 00:29:45 GMT
- From: sdd.hp.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!newsrelay.iastate.edu!news.iastate.edu!metropolis.gis.iastate.edu!willmore@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <2651@arrl.org>, <9311292209592.gilbaronw0mn.DLITE@delphi.com>, <edh.754687121@hpuerca>
- Subject : Re: Repeater calling procedure (Was: Elm
- edh@hpuerca.atl.hp.com (Ed Humphries) writes:
- >My $.02 worth:
- >I've often heard people getting ribbed for calling CQ on a
- >repeater. It is, after all, a (shutter) imported from hf'ism
- >and (like QTH for "where are you now") _can_ rub people the
- >wrong way. Like Jay said, in Texas we always just assumed
- >that a "monitoring" meant the caller was open for conversation.
- >Around the Atlanta area I haven't heard CQ yet, but then again
- >I haven't had much luck scareing up a contact when I "monitor".
- Just breathing near some peoples repeaters (supposedly open ones)
- can be grounds for getting the cold shoulder.
- >But still, "monitoring" pretty simply says "Hi, I'm
- >currently listening on this freq and would be willing to talk
- >to some other amateur if they'd like to discuss pretty much any
- >subject." Whew! Now THAT would be silly!
- Around here, it tends to mean "I'll be listening for a little
- while. If you would like to talk to me, feel free to. If you
- know me, why don't you come on and say 'hi'." It's sort of a
- passive CQ.
- >MY biggest gripe is the guy yelling "testing. TESTING." and then
- >does not responding when I offer to help with a signal report.
- >Maybe their speakers are busted but their mic's are good?
- How about 'test' means that they're testing say, the SWR on their
- antenna and they just need some carrier but they don't really
- want to leave dead air. Now, I could see you getting upset if
- they said 'check' and then ignored you. :)
- As most people have said, proper repeater behavior varies with
- locality and even repeater to repeater. Listen for a while and
- then talk. (listen for weeks, not minutes...)
- Cheers,
- David
- --
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- willmore@iastate.edu | "Death before dishonor" | "Better dead than greek" |
- David Willmore | "Ever noticed how much they look like orchids? Lovely!" |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1453
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